Cornelia Bjørke-Hill

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Cornelia is a former employee of Simployer. 

Cornelia worked with PR and communications for the Simployer Group and loved to promote what tech was up to. Cornelia enjoyed hanging out at Hackathons and learn from our techies.

She loves technology and embraces it in all aspects of life, both at work and in private life. She has worked in national and regional broadcast media for about 20 years and used her connections to bring HR technology to people's attention, and to show people how much fun it is to be a techie in Simployer.

Fun fact: Although Cornelia is very interested in tech, she cannot code..yet. Working with communications in a tech company doesn't really require her to ace at coding, but she has engaged her 9 year old in the programme "coding with the kids" with a hidden agenda to learn the basics.